
First and foremost, I like to read various subjects. To get things started here, I will recommend the Standard E-books website and Goodreads to find good books to put in the reading pipeline.


I am interested in improving my writing skills continuously, so do check out some tips for writing better.

Then, I will recommend you to play a little with programming in the Hacker Rank website. It has a wealth of projects to improve one's programming skills and software design capabilities.



In terms of news commentary related to technology, I usually read HackerNews.

Have you checked "The Life Engine" or The Falling Sand Game? - disclaimer: completely addictive!


I enjoy studying basic (yet powerful) Markov Chains (CTMC/DTMC) modelling and solution methods. I have written a short book about this subject, I urge you to take a look and let me know what you think. The GitHub repository has the book for (free) download, coding challenges, and models (in C, MATLAB and PRISM) for validation.


I am a professional Putterer.

"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." - Theodore Roosevelt